Thursday 21 January 2016

Repairing Neck and Chest Damage with Solvaderm

Do you take the time to treat the skin on your neck and chest? No? You are not alone. This area is often neglected a part of people’s skin care regimen. It shouldn’t be however as the skin on your neck and chest are exposed to the sun and to the elements just as much. Folks tent to worry about the skin on their faces so much that they forget about the delicate skin on the neck and chest.

You want healthy looking skin all over and it’s important to start treating your neck and chest with quality products like Solvaderm’s complete line of skin care products.

The reason you may be reading this right now is because you have noticed wrinkles and sagging skin around your neck and chest. Unfortunately, it is part of aging but the ones you are noticing are likely due to years of neglect and sun damage. As we age, the skin produces less and less collagen and the skin then loses its elasticity. That combined with the skin becoming thinner with age can lead to wrinkles and sagging. This is accelerated by the sun. You likely have been neglecting to apply your daily moisturizer containing SPF to your neck and skin so essentially you walk around with skin that is naked and exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. This will accelerate the aging process and leave your chest and neck looking much older than you really are.

When you are not taking care of the skin on your neck and chest, you are leaving it vulnerable. Our skin repairs itself each and every night and it looks for help through the right nighttime products. If you aren’t applying anything to your neck and chest, then you aren’t helping that process along. It is important to treat your neck and chest the same way you treat the skin on your face.

To help repair the skin around your neck and chest, choose a product that has been formulated specifically for the delicate and neglected skin around the neck and chest. Solvaderm’s Revivatone is an advanced repair solution specifically formulated to correct multiple signs of aging in the neck and chest area. Revivatone is designed to help transform the skin in the neck and chest area by rejuvenating the tissue and promote collagen synthesis1. Revivatone will help nourish, hydrate, and plump the skin while also evening out skin tone and texture leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth.

You may be wondering about Solvaderm and why you should trust the brand. Solvaderm’s products were developed by scientists and dermatologists and they have been conducting their research for years. Their complete line of products are scientifically proven and they are trusted by skin care professionals all over the world. So whether you are looking to treat the skin on your neck and chest that you have neglected for years (like many others) or you are looking for a treatment for the wrinkles on your face, trust Solvaderm to become your skin care partner.


Saturday 16 January 2016

Understanding of Joint Inflammation and how you can treat it?

Can you remember the last time you woke up in the morning and felt fresh and renewed? Or has it been weeks or even months since you emerged from sleep pain-free? Millions of people suffer from the pain of joint inflammation or related illnesses like arthritis, but a large portion of this population simply doesn’t understand why they’re experiencing this joint inflammation and how they can treat it effectively. If you thought that stiffness, swelling, and pain were all just signs of advanced age, it’s time for you to develop a more comprehensive understanding of Joint Inflammation and how you can treat it.

Joint inflammation is the body’s natural way of protecting damages in elbows, knees, wrists, and other parts of the body that serve as the hinges which let us bend, stretch, and pick up things on a daily basis. It’s true that over time joints can become damaged and worn down, just like the parts in a car that might be old, but still running. Unlike the car, however, the human body is a regenerative machine, meaning that given the right nutrients and building blocks, it can actually start to heal joint inflammation and rebuild the cartilage damage that has been sustained.

One of the best things you can do if you are experiencing Joint Inflammation related to an injury or a chronic condition like arthritis is to adopt a diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients. Most people today are trying to eat better because it will help them to remain fit and trim, but few people realize that the choices they make in the grocery store can actually help them to tackle medical conditions like joint inflammation. Not only will healthy choices at the table help you to lose weight, which removes stress from Joint Inflammation, it can actually provide your body with the tools it needs to start repairing the damage caused by a life on the go.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Arthritis of Hands - Getting to the Facts of the Causes and Treatments of Arthritis of Hands

With arthritis, hand movements can become stiff and painful at times. Arthritis  is a name that covers many diseases. The criteria that these diseases share are that they bring pain and inflammation to joints throughout the body. Hands are a common place for arthritis to set in. Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage and other protective tissues between joints begin to wear down. It is a big reason for arthritis hand problems. Rheumatoid Arthritis is another form. In that case, the autoimmune system in the body is turning on the linings of the joints. You see this in arthritis hand problems that include gnarled joints and painful swelling.

What are common symptoms of arthritis hand? Pain has to be the leading arthritis hand symptom. Other common ones include stiffness, swelling, crepitation and cysts. Stiffness happens as the swelling increases around joints in the hand. The swelling causes the muscles to overcompensate. Swelling happens in response to the pain. Crepitation is the popping noise that you might be here in the joints of a hand crippled with arthritis. Loose joints are another symptom of Arthritis Hand. Cysts can occur at the joints when the different sections of the fingers are going in different directions.

What causes arthritis hand? There are over 100 forms of arthritis. Moreover, many of them will give you arthritis hand symptoms. One of the most common is osteoarthritis. This form of arthritis happens when the natural cushioning between joints begins to wear down. People find that the bones begin grinding against each other. That causes the pain you feel in the joints. Another common cause of arthritis hand is rheumatoid arthritis. This form of the disease happens when the autoimmune system begins to attack the lining of the joints. This causes the swelling and pain you feel can be reduced using Osteojuv.

How do you treat arthritis hand? Doctors want to take the least invasive approach in most cases. With arthritis hand, that usually begins with exercising the hands regularly. Regular, gentle movements can actually help the hands retain their flexibility and help keep swelling and pain at a minimum. Painkillers are another treatment option with arthritis hand. They usually begin with OTC painkillers and progress to prescription medications later. Orthopedic devices and surgery are other treatment options your doctor may recommend. These are the facts you need to know about arthritis in the hand. You need to find out if you have it and treat it quickly if you do.

Monday 4 January 2016

11 Health Conditions You Can Develop If You Have Psoriatic Arthritis

There are many types of arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is one of them. This form of arthritis develops when you suffer a skin disorder known as psoriasis. Psoriatic disorder causes inflammation in the joints causing joint pains and stiffness. Inflammation mostly affects body limbs like hand and feet. At more severe cases arthritis causes destruction of the joint which can lead to irreversible disfigurement. Psoriatic arthritis has no known cure. Its treatment can involve mitigating the symptoms. Psoriasis brings about other comorbidities that can be managed. Here are some of the conditions associated with psoriatic arthritis:

1. Bone disease

The study shows that psoriatic patients have a high risk of suffering the bone disease, osteoporosis. Psoriatic arthritis is an irreversible condition. As the patients grow the bone diseases gets worse. People suffering this kind of arthritis should always do a bone screening with their physician. Going the natural way might also aid. Including foods in your diet that will enrich the bone mass can help improve the symptoms

2. Inflammation disease of the eye, uveitis

Ever looked in a mirror and found your eyes swollen? Suffering from psoriatic arthritis disease makes you prone to inflammation disease of the eye. The inflammation can make your eyes swell. Uveitis is a condition which is manageable and can be easily treated.

3. Low metabolic rate

The low metabolic rate can bring you problems like too much abdominal weight and it can also heighten your blood pressure. The study pointed out that women affected by psoriasis suffered the effects of low metabolism than men. Psoriatic arthritis is linked with reduced metabolism. As a result, your energy levels may drop drastically. Screening can help point out the problem and correct it.

4. Dreadful inflammatory bowel disease

Psoriasis is highly linked to inflammatory bowel disease like the Crohn's disease. Patients with psoriatic arthritis are always at a great risk for inflammatory bowel disease. If you experience stools with blood, diarrhea and abdominal pains you should see your doctor, these are symptoms of Crohn's disease. Your doctor might give you non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce aching and inflammation.

5. Depression

Psoriasis greatly cost emotional health. This brings about moodiness, feeling embarrassed all the time and low self- esteem which are basically signs of depression. Diagnosing depression at an early stage can help down play the effects of psoriasis. Depression affects the mental and emotional health. It can result in loss of social life. Support from family friends and psychologist can be of great significance in addressing symptoms linked to depression.

6. Type 2 diabetes

The study shows that people with psoriatic arthritis are more likely to get diabetes. Type 2 diabetes come with the following symptoms: suddenly feeling dehydrated and fatigues. Psoriatic arthritis treatment involves treating the comorbidities associated with the disorder. Early treatment of diabetes can help lessen the harm caused on the body.

7. High risk for cardiovascular disease

This is a heart disease. Psoriatic arthritis poses high risk for cardiovascular disease in its patients. The risk gets higher with severe of the psoriasis condition. The patients get exposed to strokes and heart attacks. Regular checks with your GP will help avoid onset of detrimental stroke and heart attacks.

8. Obesity or being overweight

Some psoriatic arthritis conditions are inevitable. The disease can increase the chances of obesity condition. Losing some extra pounds in a healthy way may involve using natural remedies like alkaline diet. Losing weight will make the psoriatic arthritis treatment work better.

9. Sick liver, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Study shows that psoriatic arthritis can get you a liver disease. Liver has a significant function in the human body. Liver disease can complicate things. Treatment can help reduce impacts of Psoriatic arthritis.

10. Cancer development

Once at a developed stage cancers are hard to manage. Psoriatic arthritis exposes people to some types of cancers. Some people can get cancers like that of the skin. Keeping in mind that they have very high risk for cancer patients should consider getting cancer screens according to your doctors instructions. This will help manage cancer if any at early stages.

11. Going dumb

Psoriatic arthritis cause harm on the delicate inner ears. Damaged ears, as a result, lead to loss of the ability to hear. Only a few patients might be exposed to the condition. Discussions with your GP will assist.


Regular screening for conditions that come with psoriatic arthritis will help lessen its symptoms and make the treatment more effective. Regular checkups with your rheumatologist and your GP will help make life easier living with psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is a permanent disease; it comes with much comorbidity which is manageable decreasing the effects of your symptoms. Severity of the symptoms is different on people. Healthy lifestyle choices and regular exercising can be done to relieve the symptoms at personal level.